Business / personal name
Ted Waldron Garden Services
Business / personal name
Ted Waldron Garden Services
Business address
37 Holloway Malmesbury
SN16 9HX
Primary telephone number:
About you and your business ( please complete)
Welcome to Ted Waldron Garden Services (TWGS). We offer a bespoke garden maintenance service to our clients in the North of Wiltshire. We offer an extensive range of services whether you have a small or large garden, tailored to your needs. Our mission is to take the hard work out of your garden and allow you to enjoy your outdoor space in the way you would like to experience it. You may not have the time in your busy schedule for gardening but still want to be able to enjoy your outdoor living space and make the best of its full potential as an additional room to your home. Or perhaps you are an experienced gardener who just needs the occasional hand with the big, heavy chores, either way I am happy to help.
Skills ( please complete )
• Lawn care o Mowing o Strimming o weed control o turfing o seeding and repair o scarifying • Planting and bed and border care • General pruning • Leaf clearance • Autumn tidy-up • Spring tidy-up • Greenhouse cleaning and repair • Fence repair and maintenance • Holiday garden care (watering etc) • Composting • Vegetable garden
Business category
Maintenance, Lawn Care, Domestic
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