Primary telephone number:

07763 117 492

About you and your business ( please complete)

Using Kilnformed & Cast Glass techniques Helen Slater creates unique figurative Glass pieces for gallery exhibition, both Nationally and Internationally. In addition to this Helen also produces one off sculptural pieces to Public & Private commission. Based in Oxfordshire, Helen Slater's Art draws inspiration from the figurative form and its perception within changing environments. By using a mixture of techniques similar to those used in bronze casting and some specially developed by Helen herself, through years of research, she is able to produce stunning one off Art pieces. These unique glass pieces vary in scale from dramatic life size figures, to be displayed outdoors, to delicate tabletop casts for interiors. From her workshop in Kingham, Oxfordshire, she takes great pride in providing a personal bespoke service, creating original stunning sculptural pieces for Home & Garden in addition to works for Gallery Exhibition.

Business category

Glass Sculptor

Where did you hear about Landscape Juice

VIa Outside Art Exhibition instruction and a fellow exhibitor



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