Business / personal name


Business address

West Porin Strathconon Muir of Ord Ross-shire IV6 7QQ

Primary telephone number:

01997 477319

About you and your business ( please complete)

I work and live in the glen of Strathconon, which is about 30 miles from the Highland capital of Inverness. I have designed and built gardens in the UK since graduating as a Landscape Architect in 1995. My business Geo Designs specialises in providing "bespoke" garden solutions . We are very proud of our achievements over the years which has won us many industry awards and public recognition for our services. We have indentified a need for well designed, comfortable and stylish garden clothing to equip the horticultural world with. We have spent the last year researching what gardeners and professionals require and have selected the very best clothing currently available on the emerging gardenwear market.

Business category

Landscaper, Designer, Horticulture Product Supplier

Where did you hear about Landscape Juice





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