Business / personal name
down to earth gardening
Business / personal name
down to earth gardening
Business address
15 old church lane aghalee lurgan co armagh northern ireland
Primary telephone number:
About you and your business ( please complete)
hi my name is christine from northern ireland i own down to earth gardening in aghalee northern ireland
Business category
Commercial Grounds/Garden Maintenance, Wholesale Nursery
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Do you know I don't think many people get grasses, they were very popular about 10 years ago but I don't get asked for them very much. If I add them to a planting scheme, the customer is very happy but I have to instigate it. I'm just about to do a large bed at a school and they want tactile, bright and fragrant, so I will be using several different ones there.
I grow about 5 or 6 different ones and I always using them at home, but my big love is ferns can't resist them.
What is the ljn sticker?
Hi Christine, yes I'm always taking cuttings growing from seed and dividing perennials etc....I come from a long line of Gardeners and it's the way everyone used to do it.
I have a few customers who want indigenous hedging and plants so I'm always collecting seed and seedlings to bring on. It drives my husband nuts sometimes as my garden resembles a nursery!
This is my best time of year when everything is starting to berry and seed up.
I'm a bit of a wild/native flower person and I'm always introducing them into any space I can. The insects love them and they can cope with any type of weather.
We're having my parents over for a BBQ and I'm making a strawberry crumble, so must go.
No sorry I'm not on facebook, I never got into that or twitter. I'm too scared of people being nasty so I don't bother.
27oC here today still very warm.
I'm going through my stock plants and having a bit of a tidy up.