Sub-base, Landscape Garden installation

An insight to the daily life of a garden design and landscaping build up on a rear garden located in Cullompton, Exeter, Devon.

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Day 4


18 ton Hi-ab grab

18 ton Hi-ab grab

Like clock work my 18 ton Hi-ab grab lorry arrives to remove the first load of landscaping sub soil and rubble from site to a licensed tip, this excess topsoil, sub soil and rubble will all be recycled and sold back to the trade.

12 ton Hi-ab grab lorry

12 ton Hi-ab grab lorry

Two hours later the second Hi-ab grab lorry arrives, this time we use a 12 ton lorry. Both the grab operator and I work together, he grabs and move the stock pile closer to his grab reach.

I have been able to set the laser up to dig level for the reflection pool area and grade off to the required falls and levels, I cannot have any excess material left as my first delivery has arrived consisting of the membrane, this lorry will return with 12 tons of 40mm hardcore material, so I have 2 hours to grade the remaining reflection pool area and membrane the entire project.

Membrane installation

Membrane installation

The membrane is installed to keep the sub-base material separate from the sub grade below and suppress weeds, a 400mm over lap has been applied to all joints and the entire geotextile fabric has been anchored down with 150mm pins.

12 tons of Sub base

12 tons of subbase

Right on cue the 40mm sub base is swung over the fence.

Again using my eye for a level I am able to cover the entire membrane with 100mm of sub base, as its late in the day I wont use the laser, I'm interested in covering the membrane for the night so the wind doesn't lift it all.

Groundworks sub-base

Ground works subbase

Again, I work in harmony with the grab operator to roughly cover the membrane, At a later date the sub base will cut to the required levels and falls.

Sub base installed

Subbase installed

More so at this time of the year the team and I work quickly to get to this stage, I now have a clean site, slopping around in mud makes a landscapers life harder than what it already is, all ducting, drainage and pool excavations will be undertaken at a later date.

Every day the garden will be kept tidy once we have completed our goals.

Tomorrows blog:

Concrete footings Landscaping a rear Garden

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Edward baker replied to john newton's discussion Which mulching mower to choose
"I'll be the first to say the same as Peter! "
13 hours ago
Peter sellers replied to john newton's discussion Which mulching mower to choose
Numerous posts on this subject.
I think everyone must know our thoughts that the Honda 537 HRX HY is the one to buy for outstanding mulch performance and reliability ( we have just added a fourth to our kit) we have tried all the others and…"
17 hours ago
Nick @ NM Garden Services Ltd posted a discussion
Our Etesia Hydro 80 is coming up toits 10th birthday and I will likely need a replacement as it's getting a bit long in the tooth so I'm starting to look for a replacement!Collection is a must, would consider a battery ride on and also another…
john newton posted a discussion
Hi guys, I'm looking at getting a pedestrian mulch mower but I'm a bit unsure which one to choose. Any recommendations would be really appreciated. 
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Traditional Fencing and John joined Landscape Juice Network
Dougie replied to Dougie's discussion Honda 537 HRX
"Great thats good to hear i did message honda aswell not got a reply yet the way he made out was it was all honda power tools he did say about the usa not producing honda anymore and europe would be the same. This was a new dealer i was useing as my…"
John updated their profile
Peter sellers replied to Dougie's discussion Honda 537 HRX
"Dougie. Have spoken to both Honda UK and our dealer, who is one of the largest Honda dealers in the UK neither of them know anything about the 537 being discontinued , where this rumour may have started is from Honda closing their USA factory and…"
Dougie replied to Dougie's discussion Honda 537 HRX
"I will see if any other local dealers stock honda hrx or just need to order online its mainly the mulch function am interested in no messing about with new blades and plugs i do see plenty of garderners using the weibang might be due to the three…"
Peter sellers replied to Dougie's discussion Honda 537 HRX
"Think your dealer is looking after himself rather than you, he probably has more profit in the Wiebang and more than likely a lot of stock of Wiebang to shift. I would not go anywhere near the Wiebang , read the reviews on Trustpilot. They are…"
Dougie replied to Dougie's discussion Honda 537 HRX
"He said he stop getting honda in  store due to the production stopping he recommended a weibang instead he said nothing beats it. Thats what i did with the etesa every year replace the washer and spacer and every second year just replaced the wheels…"
Peter sellers replied to Dougie's discussion Honda 537 HRX
"Don't know about stopping production and I hope not theres nothing else out there that comes close, if its correct we will go and buy 3 as stock.
As to the wheels, we currently have 3 which are 3 years old and are used commercially averagi g over 30…"
Dougie replied to Dougie's discussion Honda 537 HRX
"I spoke to my dealer about 537 he said the usa have stopped producing them this year and Europe will be follow soon have you heard this? He said he had a lot of complaints of the wheels being floopy after a year have you experienced this? "
Fusion Media posted a blog post
ICL and Syngenta are excited to announce the return of their Ultimate Offers for 2025, providing turf managers with cost-effective packages designed to deliver exceptional turf performance.Each package includes Primo Maxx II, a proven growth…
Paul Rogers replied to Angela Sharp's discussion How to keep physically well when you're a gardener?
"Hello and a great question Angela. I'm currently a 63 year old granddad, 5' 5" and weigh just over 9 stone and after 30 years in offices & also driving around the South East the wonderful credit crunch of 2008 set me free! (I was 5' 6" and 10 stone…"

Honda 537 HRX

Hi i am interested in getting a new mower i am  looking at the Honda 537 HRX HY and the honda  476 hrx hy does anyone have both of these machines whats the difference just the size soeed and collect the same? Thanks in advance 

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11 Replies · Reply by Dougie on Tuesday
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