Spring is the time for buying and planting bulbs. Among the easiest and most beautiful of these are the Rainlilies, Habranthus and Zephyranthes. Perfect for growing on windowsills, patios and in the open garden in milder regions, these delightful miniature bulbs will provide a profusion of blooms for many months throughout the summer.
Habranthus and Zephyranthes are New World relatives of the Hippeastrums, Nerines and true Amaryllis and are found from the southern United States to Argentina and Chile. Many species remain surprisingly uncommon in cultivation but most are extremely easy to grow. They multiply rapidly from offsets and seed, and soon produce clumps of grassy or strap-shaped foliage, depending on species. From these arise a succession of lovely blooms in a kaleidoscope of colours from white, cream and yellow, to magenta, fuchsia and red.
Rainlilies are ideal for growing in containers and a few strategically-placed pots will complement any courtyard or patio. Planted en-masse, they are a perfect choice for the garden in frost-free climates.
At ABC Bulbs and Seeds we grow and supply bulbs and seeds of Habranthus and Zephyranthes species and hybrids, as well as a selection of other bulbs and corms that will bring colour and variety to homes and gardens everywhere.
There´s always room for another plant!