glasgow (18)
Glasgow's newest and largest hospital has been named the ‘Queen Elizabeth University Hospital’ after Her Majesty the Queen officially opened the record-breaking facility in July 2015. A fabulous expanse of Tobermore’s permeable Hydropave Sienna Duo a
The new social housing scheme at Kennishead Road in Glasgow, constructed by McKenzie Construction for Glasgow Housing Association, has given the area an impressive transformation with the help of Tobermore.
As well as the newly furnished homes, the gr
Communities across the Glasgow area are being encouraged to head outdoors, get active and enjoy a new network of 13 Commonwealth Woods.
A legacy project of the 2014 Commonwealth Games, the network includes woods that are well-established, boasting an
I have noticed a number of new ground maintenance start up businesses around Glasgow this season, as always happens at the start of a new growing season.
2013 must be a particularly difficult year to try and start such a company though due to the late
I have been operating for over 2 years now and things have gone well. I have (perhaps predictably) got a bit obsessed with running this business and am looking to take things a step further, to work with more clients on bigger jobs and to increase em
I have been up since 6am, unable to sleep due to the intense winds battering the landscape. I have been listening to people's bins being blown over, bottles flying along the road, branches cracking, chimneys howling (not falling, thankfully) and gree
We have had a busy month, the busiest so far, and have spent some time visiting small residential sites in Edinburgh, Grangemouth and Stirling to provide quotations for ground maintenance work. Many of these sites have had very basic care but moss on
It's great looking out of the window and seeing snow on the ground. North Glasgow has had two spells of snow so far, but neither has been long lived.
Our work recently has included fence repairs after the storms last week, plus turfing, clearing up de
I would like to service all of my equipment this winter and have been planning it for a short while now. But what problems might I come across?
I did a basic van service last week -
The wind and rain may put some people off but Dan Frazer Gardening is out every day mowing, trimming, and at this time of year, scarifying and treating moss in lawns all over central Scotland.
Our method is a thorough one and greatly benefits the law
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The Landscape Juice Network (LJN)
What is it?
LJN is an open association of individuals and companies involved in landscaping, garden maintenance, horticulture and garden design.
The site is…
In this video, I will be…
As Blue Monday is fast approaching, I thought it would be a good idea to give a small reminder to our community here on Landscape Juice to remember to tell people about your worries and if you’re having negative thoughts. Talking about emotions…
Britmow weren’t aware how much of an impact attending a trade show would have on their future endeavours. In the run up to their 50th anniversary, they were exploring ideas of how to celebrate. It’s only when they met Kate Cooney from…
“Gardening programmes tend to be very ‘traditional’ white middle-class in their attitude towards gardening”, Julia Sargeant said in an interview after she won gold at Chelsea Flower Show in 2016. She was the first black gardener to design…
A carefully-planned turf nutrition and treatment programme utilising three key Sherriff Amenity products has produced a sustained rise in the health, condition and playing standard of greens at the Milford Golf Club in Surrey.
The programme…
Open forum activity
You could try sending a soil sample off for analysis. Personally, I would go for the full monty and include soil texture, CEC,…"
Its been very reliable. Bar doesn't get in the way. Picks up well in the wet. The only thing that let's it down is it's really slow.
Yes it was compost from a well known brand sold in garden centres"
Is that the compost that is sold as soil improver at the household waste recycling centres and green waste disposal sites that is made from shredded garden waste?…"
What's the best course of action to repair this now?"
High lift non gen blades
Anyone know where we can source Oregon high lift blades to fit Hayter 56 pro 22inch and Stiga 950 vr 48cm. Thanks.
Read more…Honda or Masport?
Looking for lightish roller mower, not battery!Anyone using Honda 476 QY 19 inch or Masport rotorla 22 inch ? Both similar weight, looking at the Masport don't like the handle bracing bar which runs between the 2 vertical handles and looks like it…
Read more…Hole saw set
Anyone recommend a hole saw set, want a set in a case to stop walkies. Needs to cut steel and stainless , can't justify Starrett cost. Need a selection of sizes with arbours.Only occasional use numerous choices on net but difficult to know if any…
Read more…Lawn issues
Im after some advice regarding a lawn issue. A customer had spoken to me regarding their front lawn that really struggled to put on any growth at all even during spring time. I suggested that because the house is a new build, although built a…
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