danny negus courts success with mm50 at devonshire (1)

PRO Supplier

Danny Negus has been spearheading the grounds maintenance efforts at Devonshire Park in Eastbourne since 2016.

His journey to becoming Grounds Manager reflects a dedication to his craft that spans three decades, starting as a Greenkeeper in 1994 and t

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Open forum activity

Tony @SM replied to M Olsson's discussion Garden Equipment and More! Looking for Advice - New business owner.
"I don't know exactly how you see your business going but for me, I found in the early days I offered to do too much and my profit suffered even though I was busy. Eventually I found (for me) the perfect model. I can do all I need with a few mowers,…"
1 hour ago
John F replied to M Olsson's discussion Garden Equipment and More! Looking for Advice - New business owner.
"Personally I am a big fan of cylinder mowers , the first petrol mower I used was a customers Atco and I loved it , Then spent over Twenty years employed cutting large ornamental lawns on an estate using ride on Atcos and smaller Dennis cylinder…"
1 hour ago
Honey Badger replied to Gary Etherington's discussion Hedge cutting
"A reflection of a profitable business that pays its taxes."
1 hour ago
Tony @SM replied to Tony @SM's discussion Faded Buxus leaves
" Thanks for the reply BB, that is good to hear. "
1 hour ago
Billybop replied to Gary Etherington's discussion Hedge cutting
"I think Peter's business has a lot of overheads so charges the higher end rate. At the end of the day one can charge as little as one thinks fit. However there is some unspecified upper limit of pricing reasonableness that could be decided by the…"
1 hour ago
Honey Badger replied to Gary Etherington's discussion Hedge cutting
"Correct o"
2 hours ago
Billybop replied to Gary Etherington's discussion Hedge cutting
"probably refers to one's "internal" hourly rate which is not divulged to clients as they don't understand how quickly and efficiently some of us work with the top notch expensive kit we have invested in"
4 hours ago
Billybop replied to Tony @SM's discussion Faded Buxus leaves
"i find box best trimmed on a dull cloudy day as the sun burns them when freshly done, they will recover thouigh"
9 hours ago
Lee Davis replied to Gary Etherington's discussion Hedge cutting
"That's outrageous. I'd be embarrassed charging that for a day's work. "
9 hours ago
Lee Davis replied to Gary Etherington's discussion Hedge cutting
"I thought you didn't charge hourly rate? I was told unanimously on here that that was the wrong way to price. "
9 hours ago
M Olsson posted a discussion
Good morning folks,I hope this message finds you safe and well.I have lots of questions, so please bare with me! :DEarlier this year, I took a leap and went self employed ontop of my employment. I currently offer a wide range of gardening services…
13 hours ago
Tony @SM posted a discussion
Morning All. i have a customer with a number of very expensive topiaried buxus, in pots. Since trimming them the leaves appear to be dying, they are a very light green and easy to pull off the plants. I am told he waters them regularly and the soil…
13 hours ago
Adam Woods posted a discussion
Whilst scrolling the other night FB suggested I may like to join "I need a gardener UK".I did for interest value, there seems to be lots of useful posts, though whether the posters will pay decent rates is an unknown. It could be useful for anyone…
16 hours ago
Billybop replied to Peter sellers's discussion Cordless hedge cutter advice
"They do make such machines, the HLA135 has the motor at the battery end and shaft driven blades. But due to it being much more heavy duty than the HLA56 it is a heavier machine overall. The HLA66 uses the AP batteries rather than AK batteries and is…"
17 hours ago
Richard Pitt and M Olsson joined Landscape Juice Network
John F replied to Peter sellers's discussion Cordless hedge cutter advice
"Peter can you not delegate the hedge trimming to a team member ? 
Sometimes it's not just the weight of the machinery it's the repetitive strain of performing the same actions over and over  

Faded Buxus leaves

Morning All. i have a customer with a number of very expensive topiaried buxus, in pots. Since trimming them the leaves appear to be dying, they are a very light green and easy to pull off the plants. I am told he waters them regularly and the soil…

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2 Replies · Reply by Tony @SM 1 hour ago
Views: 28