Karen and Pete's allotment


Hi – (click on a picture to enlarge) - I'm recovering after a hip replacement and would like to share some pictures of our allotment from the last few years.

Last year - with work commitments and the weather against us, we weren't able to get done much at all... it really was all a bit of a washout.   

There are approx 40 plots on our site, just nice, it's surrounded on all sides with back gardens and you can't see it from the entrance so we get very little trouble from veggie burglars.

I've cut the main grass here for a few years and yet people still wang rocks on there... so I cut high and it's been enough to stop someone coming in with a sprayer.



But we love our allotment and the time can just fly by. Our first plot was 20ft x 100ft -- the first thing we did was to put up four reinforced pallet bins, bolted together, one 6x4 and three 4x4. We fill the big one first, then turn this into the next one, then the next one until the last turn goes through a stout wooden framed riddle to get out the few sticks and stones. It is possible to have finished compost inside a month if you've the time and/or energy!    









What we wanted was not raised beds so much, but to have defined 3-4ft wide beds.

Around then, I made a timely mistake with an estimate on a turfing job and we got ourselves 12 narrow grass paths across the width, down the length of the plot. It looks a bit pretentious but it was (sort of) free and we have the petrol machines to keep it neat






Our plot was getting a bit full up of flowers  - we were running out of room – having the flowers gives us a lot of pleasure and we haven't got as many out to work as was the intention – so when the old couple next to us finally called it a day, we were very pleased to be given their plot – I'm not sure this is right when there's a waiting list but current plot holders get first shout, that's rules.




                                    "sneezeweed n bee"  


This white Agapanthus we found in a pot underneath nettles at a garden clearance – we split it up and lined out 40 plantlets  



 I once just had to go into someones garden to ask what 'that flower' was and the lady gave me a piece, it was a lovely pale sky blue iris - we still have it twenty years on  - and last year we bought a few more varieties to increase up on the plot... 







So this was our second plot, which we'd had for two years before getting it underway... one row of raspberries (at supermarket price) pays rent for both plots several times over - both plots together equal nearly 450 square yards and we pay £20 a year  




After the initial thorough dig and removing carpets, window  frames, bindweed etc. we wanted to try the no dig method.  I've read that just one teaspoonful of rich garden soil can  hold up to a billion bacteria, several yards of fungi, several  thousand protozoa and scores of nematodes – we've plenty  of material to use as mulch for the worms – and you can't  find a better garden helper - they leave behind eight times more micro organisms than they eat and their castings  are loaded with calcium, nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium and large amounts of humic acid, an excellent natural soil conditioner.

“Perceived as lowly, but actually holy, the earthworm feeds the soil, even it's waste,  improves the taste, of every pea and bean”

Worms have survived mass extinctions over hundreds of millions of years while other species perished. It now appears it may be possible to figure out just how the land masses broke apart - and carrying the worms with them, drifted to far corners of the globe by studying the distribution of worm species – why, for example, Caribbean worms are closely related to those in Fiji


               This year we've done well with french, broad and runner beans, the beetroot, potatoes, cabbage and broccoli were good... the strawberry bed was a little tired so we've reset a new one for next year and we've picked 20lb of autumn raspberries and planted four redcurrants...


    Of all home grown veg, we find that fresh pulled carrots surprise the most people in the difference from shop bought - but we haven't attempted them for two years because of the carrot fly – we've tried earthing them up like potatoes and used pelleted seed to avoid thinning, but enviromesh is maybe the only sure answer...

We bought some mesh for this year and decided to let the carrots fight it out with the weeds underneath – mistake – the weeds won – we sowed again end of august under glass sheets – we're hoping, but not expecting too much


        A tub of Ye Olde Bromophos (a banned carrot fly deterent) from twenty years ago found sitting inside someones garage




The leeks also need meshing away from leek moth and / or leaf miner as I found out again last year - I cut them down to ground level and they came up again but this year they're under mesh and we've planted them in clumps of 4 or 5 like I believe they do in the east – we''ll see...





Our outdoor tomatoes had always succumbed to a late blight but in 2011 we had a decent crop of beefsteaks for the first time - the thought of just picked tomatoes made me try and ensure success again in 2012 and I made this box for some cordons   





but the wind blew it over the first night... it could've worked if I'd had it anchored in time? We stuck with bush varieties under these corrugated sheets this year.  



Earlier this year we used our cloche to bring on early potatoes - this photo was taken on May 1st  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Geoff Hamilton once showed us a test he was doing with two identical plots - same flowers - same veg - same soil, one was grown with the 'help' of synthetic chemicals, the other not. He found no difference in produce quality but the bees did – while one plot had the occasional visit the other was alive with bees.    


                                                                           A visit from a badger:--   



This pretty Phacelia tanacetifolia is one of our favorites, it's sold for green manuring, it seeds like a weed, we always leave some in and the bees love it.  





Chives (great for edgings) and tree onions - or -                           "Egyptian Walking Onions" - Allium proliferum :-






In the spring of last year we at last got some asparagus in - it all took and we can maybe look forward to a few spears next year :-)



We also grew a lot of Romaine lettuce this year.. which was lucky as ducks love it! -

  A one / two day old Mallard turned up on our doorstep that looked like she could do with some help... but when she got too big to live inside with us we found her a companion..


 ....to live outside with -  we want to let them go when they're big enough to fly - 16 weeks? - we think the Mallard might go but not sure about the Khaki Campbell -  we're playing it by ear.


here they are, up at the allotment, about five weeks old.. 





When I first grew veg I failed with onions, oh well I thought, they're cheap to buy in the shop and then I read what chemicals the farmers used to grow their onions.


It was around that time I heard about cabbages that produce scorpion poison to kill caterpillars... and I saw an open university programme where two blokes fishing had caught some barbel with extra bits growing on their heads – they found it was the pork luncheon meat used as bait, made from pigs fed growth hormones. Thirty years on and we've got nuclear fallout to think about... (sorry, but I find it worrying)

The reason why we work is basically... we've got to do something to feed ourselves. I believe everyone deep down wants to work and it's just plain wrong that people are on the dole more than a few months and doing nothing constructive. 



While I was in hospital the care I received was exemplary – I had only one complaint – the food –

is it possible that a big percentage of the folk in hospitals are there because (they don't know) they're eating the wrong food... I've just read a book called: “Stuffed and Starved” ----

I'm no expert but it's my guess that It IS possible to feed ourselves with real food but it would mean much less meat and to farm close to home. "Can Britain Farm Itself"



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  • PRO

    that's a fantastic achievement Karen and Pete :-)

  • PRO

    Hi Pete and Karen

    Not sure who wrote this blog post but nevertheless, hope your recovery goes well and you're back at the allotment soon:)

    Great post and really good to see what you get up to:)

  • Appreciated Mick..

    Phil – Karen's in Turkey at the mo – she wasn't happy with me when she left - you know when you're woman's done something stoopid.... well, just how long is it before she forgives you?? - she'd wanted the lounge decorated for some time so I did it this last week.. I could walk without sticks three weeks after the op but I've been set back a bit now - but I'm ok – She's been holding the fort, bless her, with her bro in law on bigger jobs so I had to do something...

  • we've picked 40lbs of currants this year off our four bushes - too many for us really but... current supermarket price would be £1800 - we pay £20 a year for our allotment = if you can't grow at home, get yourself an allotment!



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Graham Taylor replied to Steve Redway's discussion Honda HRX476 Oil capacity
"Its been running 12 years with no problems....................  just fill it up acording to the dipstick and then forget about the capacity.  I really wouldn't worry about it.  strangely, just looked up the spec for the engine and it says 400ml for…"
10 hours ago
Ian Harvey replied to Steve Redway's discussion Honda HRX476 Oil capacity
"Yes- sorry, it was too early in the morning to get my head around whether it was too long or short... Maybe the dipstick was unintentionally swapped with a different mower during PDI checks all those years ago?
what engine has your mower got?…"
17 hours ago
Steve Redway replied to Steve Redway's discussion Honda HRX476 Oil capacity
"It's a good idea Ian, but I think you mean "too long", ie entering the oil pan too early. 
This is the dip stick that came with the brand new Honda mower and having talked to Hondas "Service department" I feel getting a dip stick dimensional…"
19 hours ago
Ian Harvey replied to Steve Redway's discussion Honda HRX476 Oil capacity
"Is it possible that your dipstick is too short? I would try to either get a measurement from Honda of what it should be, or try to find another one"
Stephen r Brook-Smith replied to Ian Harvey's discussion Rushes
"I'd personally get them to sort the drainage out first as it might keep reoccurring otherwise"
Sebastian Cunard replied to Sebastian Cunard's discussion How to expand the business - Vans and employees
"Thanks Peter for your message very useful."
Steve Redway replied to Steve Redway's discussion Honda HRX476 Oil capacity
"OK I have talked to Honda (In Mumbai) they were very unhelpful and as the designers and manufacturers of the engine could only tell me it took 550mL as all the literature has already stated. 
They had no idea why my engine only takes 250mL. I have…"
Peter sellers replied to Sebastian Cunard's discussion How to expand the business - Vans and employees
"The van is the businesses asset and should be bought registered and insured by the business, the employee who uses it should be named on the policy unless you have an "any driver" type policy, this is where a good independant insurance broker is…"
Sebastian Cunard posted a discussion
Sebastian Cunard and Excellent Earth Cycle joined Landscape Juice Network
mike replied to mike's discussion honda hrd535
Peter sellers replied to mike's discussion honda hrd535
"Let me have your email "
mike replied to mike's discussion honda hrd535
"are you able to messsage me privately mate see if i can send it that way it says it to big to upload. it looks like it's broken on the actual pin maybe a mm behind the pin (engine side)"
mike replied to mike's discussion honda hrd535
"i'll upload a picture mate am not to much clever wjem it comes to lawn mowers "
Fusion Media posted a blog post
ICL Controlled release fertiliser technology has helped to transform the fairways at Coventry Hearsall Golf Club.Chris Low, the Course Manager at Coventry Hearsall Golf Club, has witnessed outstanding results since introducing ICL’s Sierrablen Plus…
Peter sellers replied to mike's discussion honda hrd535
"Are you sure? Is the shaft in 2 halves as I described in my previous post with the pin coming out?"

honda hrd535

hi i have seemed to have broken my pto shaft in my honda hrd535. i need some help with some specs ive read the engine is a gxv160 on a hinda hrd535 is this correct. thank you for any help 

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