The Health and Safety Executive [HSE] has teamed up with the Forestry Commission’s learning and development team to host a safety and health awareness day in the Midlands dedicated to raising awareness of important health and safety issues specific to the forestry industry.
Developed in partnership with the industry, the event, at Cannock Chase, Staffordshire, on 18 March, is targeted at all involved in forest operations – from forestry work managers to site supervisors, to those actually carrying out the work.
Attendance on the day is free.
Trainers who have years of experience working in forestry will cover issues relating to the use of forestry machinery and forestry chainsaw work, directional felling including the use of hydraulic wedges and bottle jacks, hand-arm and whole body vibration, and public access issues.
At these events, scenarios, demonstrations and discussions are based on situations that have led to serious incidents in the past. Risks are examined and common sense solutions are identified that can and should be applied on site.
HSE inspector, Iain Sutherland, said: "On the day, the focus will be on the higher risk activities that are responsible for the majority of serious injuries that people suffer in the forests, injuries that just keep happening time and time again only to different people in different locations.
"The Forestry Commission trainers will be demonstrating the sensible and practical precautions that should be taken and that can make a significant difference to people’s safety."
HSE staff will also be present to discuss any issues delegates want to raise and to offer general health and safety advice.
For further information or to book a place or places at this event, (indicating whether you wish to attend the morning or afternoon session) please e-mail by Friday 7 March 2014. Applications will be confirmed upon receipt.