Say NO to Cowboy Builders with deposit guarantee scheme
Worried about Cowboy builders? AND Cowboy Consumers!!!
Are you worried about how to gain confidence from your potential customers?
There is so much bad press about people taking large deposits only to disappear or do shoddy work and force people into payments.
After all the law is generally on the traders side, enter into a contract and have the work completed, you will need to pay up or be threatened with court cases. No matter what the standard of work.
However, if there was a scheme where the customers deposit could be held in a secure fund with payment released after each stage, i.e. materials delivered, ground cleared, base laid etc. etc. would this not help with securing the job?
There is a scheme already in place which protects the consumer AND the trades person. The consumer knows the money is there, in a secure bank account only being released at staged payments and the trades person knowing the money is actually there.
deposit guarantee
Are you having any building or landscaping work soon?
Worried about your deposit?
Worried about shoddy work?
Worried about work not being to standard or safe?
Deposit Guarantee Protection.
The CPG only releases funds based on satisfaction of the trades work at agreed stages. The builder has assurance that funds are in an escrow account.
People who recommend firms have their reputations on the line every time you recommend a trade to do work on clients or friend’s property.
The Consumer Protection Guarantee
Currently £1.4 million has gone through this scheme.
The Consumer Protection Guarantee is there to stop the cowboy builder horror stories and make sure works are completed to satisfaction by providing continual contact between the CPG – the client and the trades/ builder.
In the unlikely event of a dispute the CPG can adjudicate and bring in a Chartered Surveyor, leading to a continued solution to get your clients property works completed ASAP.
Call Tony Moore for more information 0844 804 0029 or 0844 804 0055