As of today, Ben Lannoy Landscapes has introduced a newsletter to its portfolio in order to speak directly to our subscribers and essentially get the most fruitful info to the people that really want to know. With the sign up comes a free ebook titled '50 Popular Plants Used in Garden Design'. I've been writing the book on and off for over 9 months now and although i enjoyed every minute of it, it seemed as though there was always more to do. For me, once i had started there was no going back and doing it while working full time is not always ideal!
As i've always believed, you can't ever grow as a business or as person unless you have people around you that can point you in the right way whenever you lose your sense of direction. This is why it's so important to have others around you to bouce ideas off and get excited about moving forward. On this and many other occasions it happens to be my wife.
This will definitely not be the last book for me as i love writing, but for the amount of time that it took, i think it will have to be the last book for a good few months, or my wife might start proceedings! :)
Honestly, she is the most supportive and she is one of the ones who has wanted to see the end result that i had blabbed about for so long, and that day has finally come!
I felt that a Plant ID guide of 50 different plants is needed by amateur and professional gardeners but also as a learning tool for staff as I've found we needed before.
More than anything it is perfect for showing to clients who are unable to translate what they want from the softer elements of the garden and this really helps you and them to get an idea of the plants they actually like.
Now that it's done, i'm looking at other projects that can keep me 'off the streets' and keep my ever wondering brain focused!
If you're interested in seeing how the book turned out, we'd love to have you as a subscriber. Just sign up on the sign up form on the Ben Lannoy Homepage to get your free ebook delivered to you by email straight away and start receiving our monthly newsletters!