Business / personal name

Phil Holt Garden Maintainence

Primary telephone number:

07950 188052

About you and your business ( please complete)

I run a small gardening maintenance business in Bristol. After years of green fingeredness and allotment gardening, I finally took the plunge and became a professional gardener 7 years ago. Gardening makes good use of my broad range of skills, I've always been good at anything practical, being the proverbial jack of all trades. Since taking the R.H.S. general/advanced certificates in horticulture at Norton Radstock collage I've developed my understanding of horticulture and thanks to my brilliant tutor I now feel I appreciate things much more from the plants point of view.' Of course this is an onging process as there's always more to learn.

Business category

Landscaper, Domestic Garden Maintenance, Lawn Care, gardener

Where did you hear about Landscape Juice

colleague, surfing internet



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