Business / personal name

Garden Sanctuaries Ltd

Business address

South Wales


Vale of Glamorgan

Primary telephone number:

0800 622 6637

About you and your business ( please complete)

Garden Sanctuaries Ltd is a family business providing Garden Design, Maintenance & Consultancy Services. GSL are trained in Social & Therapeutic Horticulture and offer specialist garden designs to improve accessibility and wellbeing. We engage through consultation with our clients to fully understand their specific needs, then develop a design and implement specialist garden adaptations. We cater for older clients with limited mobility and clients with disabilities, ill health, sensory impairment or dementia. We also offer a 'Helping Hand' community service where we work alongside less able clients so the they can participate in maintaining their garden and enjoy enjoy the outdoors in their own garden sanctuary. Please get in touch by email or give us a call; We look forward to discussing your gardening needs

Skills ( please complete )

Trained Garden Designer - Hand drawn plans & Vectorworks visualisations produced; STH training; Studying HND in Horticulture - Design & Production RHS in Practical Horticulture; Wide ranging domestic garden maintenance and horticultural skills including soil testing and analysis; Surveying, H & S Risk Assessment and Project Management skills.

Business category

Designer, Maintenance, Consultant, Lawn Care, Domestic

Where did you hear about Landscape Juice

Online research


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