An insight to the daily life of a garden design and landscaping build up on a rear garden located in Cullompton, Exeter, Devon.
Day 3
Hand digging the footings
Landscaping works continue to cut the remaining feature wall footings, again this must be undertaken by hand, as you can clearly view the lower wall is leaning towards my clients garden, this lean is due to the 100mm wall acting as a retainer, the neighbours garden is 400mm higher.
Step riser hand dig
The excess material from the feature wall footings are removed by the excavator and the laser level set to dig for the raised seating area, this area is now at the correct falls and levels.
The trench for the risers to the step up is cut by hand as this is a narrow trench, I'm refusing to track around on the sub grade as the heavens have opened, at this stage I will do more damage than good to the open ground.
Shelter from the rain
The team and I are constantly downing tools to take cover from the heavy rain, in all it came down heavy on and off for 4 hours today.
Feature wall Footings complete
Ground works and levelling on the feature wall footings, raised seating area, step riser, composite decking area, and exterior kitchen area are complete.
Landscape Levels
I am able to start grading a small section of the reflection pool area, I'm hampered by the landscaping rubble stock pile. I'll be happy to see the Hi-ab grab lorry tomorrow.
Every day the garden will be kept tidy once we have completed our goals.
Tomorrows blog: