Business / personal name

Buchanans Borders

Business address

5 Newtown Road,TA9 3HX

Primary telephone number:


About you and your business ( please complete)

Finally at the age of 37 I have established “what I want to do when I grow up”. It all happened when I was made redundant last year, after 8 years in a job that I took great pride in. After all the emotions had come and gone and I found myself temporary work, I was still left with the frustration that some one else had determined my destiny. I realised I had to decide two things, the first do I want to work for some else or do I want to drive my own destiny and secondly what is it that I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing. The first decision was easy I come from a family of self-employed individuals who have all been very successful in their chosen careers, the influence therefore has always been to “set up” on my own and start my own business, but in what? This leads to the biggest decision I have ever had to make in my life “What do I want to do to earn a crust till the day I retire?” I have always really envied people with careers that are more like hobbies so I looked to some of mine: cooking, socialising, arts and crafts, organising events and gardening! Could I follow a career as a chef? This didn’t fit with my plan of being self employed, but it could be linked into a career as caterer for private functions, but then that made me think about my skill for organising events, which lead to an idea about becoming a wedding planner including making hand made stationary or perhaps floristry! It hit me when I was considering my love of flowers and floristry that my biggest most singular passion is GARDENING! So that was it I knew I could make a living being a gardener. I have always loved visiting Garden centres even as a kid, being dragged round with Mum and Dad. Later in life discovering ornamental gardens, stately home and manor house gardens. I discovered Trebah Gardens in Cornwall only a few years ago and love the natural architecture of the tropical bamboos, tree ferns and Gunnera’s, clever planting has created the illusion of tall walkways, arches and vistas to the sea below. However I found a trip to Granada a few years ago to be really inspiring, the formal design layout of the Alhambra Gardens with minalamist planting and the formal architecture has been incorporated to create a fascinating focus, and lllusion of space or mystery, a frame for a beautiful view or a peaceful place to sit and enjoy the beautiful and skillfull planting. I feel that Petos Garden at Iford Manor, near Bath, where I discovered heaven on earth, has the most natural and clever use of architecture in any garden I have ever seen, and I think this garden is where I made the decision that I wouldn’t just be a gardener I wanted to actually design gardens.

Skills ( please complete )

Bachelor of Science Honours Degree Landscape Design

Business category

Designer, Maintenance

Where did you hear about Landscape Juice





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