Business / personal name

Peter Donegan Landscaping Ltd

Primary telephone number:


About you and your business ( please complete)

Peter studied horticulture for four and a half years. He holds a certificate in commercial horticulture from Teagasc, an Advanced Diploma in Horticulture and the general examination in Horticulture from the royal horticulture society. He is also a Full Member of the Institute of Horticulture. Having already worked in the landscape industry prior to any of his studies, Peter has been involved in the horticultural industry since 1992. With several working places in Ireland, England and Scotland before starting his own business, he discovered a wide range of different working methods, landscape design and landscape architecture. Peter having worked freelance both consulting and teaching went on to establish Peter Donegan Landscape & Design

Business category

Landscaper, Garden Designer, Domestic Garden Maintenance, Commercial Grounds/Garden Maintenance, Consultant, landscape design, consulting and writer

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