"I know what I'd like to tell them about their "gender identity policy" but I'd never get the work. The stupid thing is that the people high-up in these businesses that ask these ridiculous questions..... like us, they no doubt think its absolute…"
"Hi all,
Thanks John - no interest in garden design if I'm honest lol Could do some planting plans/consultancy/maintenance schedules, but I'm more interested in plants than design. Yes, happy to push a mower / strimming / trimming, etc. Have a…"
"No you are not.
Short term plans made by selfish greedy power hungry individuals will not help the planet, just themselves.
Fortunes are being made by carbon offsetting and green energy.
China have no human rights for there own poeple why would they…"
"Hi Sarah,
Agreed, this is a fabulous site. I went freelance 9 years ago and don't regret a thing. I mostly work from behind a screen and would love to be outdoors all the time but I'm not sure my poor old bod would stick the pace - but I wish you…"
The UK Lawn Care Association held their 9th, annual conference in January and declared that the two-day event was quite possibly their best ever. Over 100 delegates from around the UK, spent a busy couple of days at Tewkesbury Park in…
"Sarah , wish you every success. There was a similar post / request to yours on here previously, perhaps trawl back through the archive and reply to find out how things have gone.I don't wish to shatter your dreams but wonder with your physical…"
Following an outstanding 2024 event, GroundsFest 2025 is set to be even bigger, with significant growth in exhibitor numbers, stand space, and industry influence. The event’s rapid expansion highlights its position as the largest event for the…
"Hi Sarah
There are plenty of opportunities for Horticulturists it's such a vast area perhaps as an employee but if self employed as part of a team e.g garden designers often have border work /planting opportunities, perhaps contact some local ones…"
"The UK emits less than 2% of global greenhouse gases do you really think if we all drive EV's, have smart meters we will make any difference?
Net zero for the UK is a pipe dream as it conveniently ignores the carbon emissions from all the goods we…"
Hi there, I'm a 46yo woman and have done a desk job all my working life, but did do a degree in Landscape and Garden Design back in the day (basically a hort degree with a design element tacked on) and I am a bit of a gardening anorak! …
" Am I the only one that thinks it might be nice not to trash the planet? Even if that means some inconvenience along the way? Climate change is real. If the north atlantic drift stops, we'll have winters like Moscow, that might be a bit…"
"We use the Ostrich principal and have done for the last 40 years plus with no ill effects so far. If you comply with all this H&S s**t you end up with getting no work done apart from reams of record keeping and filling out RAMS.
It really is getting…"