Business / personal name
Peter's Gardening Service
Business / personal name
Peter's Gardening Service
Primary telephone number:
About you and your business ( please complete)
Gardening and landscape services.
Skills ( please complete )
National Diploma in Agriculture
Business category
Landscaper, Maintenance
If you Go Premium you will be able to brand your profile page, display full contact details, web address, email address, & social pages. But we think that it is about more than that. Read why James is happy to pay to show support ...
I pay £40 per year in a one-off payment as a Pro Member but the payback from this very small investment must be many thousands of pounds saved or gained through knowledge and advice. Only this week I have gained detailed advice from members in the BOG about specific charging rates for commercial weed control work, and received via e-mail a full set of COSHH and RAMS documents completely free of charge from a member, saving many many hours of personal work and research. Completely selflessly with no expectation of payment or reciprocity.