Business / personal name


Primary telephone number:


About you and your business ( please complete)

2nd (HND) year BSc Horticulture student at SAC. I felt life was'nt going the way i was hoping, so decided to enroll in an NQ horticulture with landscaping and svq 2 amenity horticulture course. I was attracted to this course because i felt it would allow me to start my own business. I then progressed onto HNC horticulture at perth college before moving to SAC. Hoping to start up part-time in spring 2012 in the hope of having a small customer base ready for when i graduate and am released into the big bad world of self-employment.

Business category

Landscaper, Domestic Garden Maintenance, Commercial Grounds/Garden Maintenance, Lawn Care, Pesticide Application, Tree Surgeon

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