"Yes agree, wire of some sort. Unless someone was planning to fell it and girlded it first and then didn't get around to doing the job. Or something. "
"EV's, heat pumps, smart meters, all a whitewash.
Drax power station burning millions of tonnes of wood pellets imported on diesel ships from North America and emit more carbon than a coal fired power station yet received 500 million in government…"
"Careful David, your have opinion police knocking on your door.
Net zero is a joke and completely unachievable. China, India, America.
Like the tories, Labour are done. They might as well merge as one party I see no difference between them.
"The orange part is a sleeve specifically for adjustment of the MM56 multisystem, presumably to allow the metal screwdriver past things it may short-out.
The white plastic part looks like a collar to allow you to tell how much you are adjusting the…"
"....... can't you just sharpen the old blades? If sharpening, I recommend putting the "chamfer" on the bottom rather than the top of the blades. They stay sharper much longer and it doesn't appear to effect collecting/cutting performance......…"
"Dougie we can't tell any difference, our mowers are doing a lot of commercial work on some very rough ground and depending on how many stones they hit non gen will last the best part of a season. As non gen are relatively cheap we usually replace…"
"Hi peter i havent tried it out yet i wont be using it until april time was just ordering service parts for it and the honda blades were about £90 and the after market ones were about £30 was wondering if there any difference if they might last…"
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