Business / personal name

The Greenman Landscapes

Business address

42 Donald Moor Avenue Kent ME9 9SL

Primary telephone number:


About you and your business ( please complete)

Eco friendly,Design,construct and maintain, Wildlife Gardens, Cottage Gardens,Kitchen Gardens. Soft Landscaping, general maintenance, fruit tree and shrub pruning.

Skills ( please complete )

R.H.S.dip in Horticulture, City & Guilds Amenity Horticulture level I,II,II,Decorative Horticulture Level II, Sports Turf management Level II, Institute of Groundsmanship Turfculture and Sportsground Management. Cricket pitch maintenance, Elementary and Intermediate levels, R.H.S. cert in Horticulture Forestry Training Council basic chainsaw techniques, NPTC tree climb and aerial rescue CS38, PA1/PA6 Pesticide Application

Business category

Consultant, Designer, Landscaper, Lawn Care, Maintenance

Where did you hear about Landscape Juice

horticulture week


LJN Sponsors