Business / personal name

Evelyn Landscape Gardening

Business address

48 West Bar Street, Banbury




OX16 9RZ

About you and your business ( please complete)

26 years old, BSc Horticulture, main experience in gardening, spent the last 3 years trying to gain more landscaping experience in addition to gardening self employed. Currently in Australia till December ‘18 working in landscaping in Melbourne. Hope to add landscaping jobs to business when back in UK as well as chainsaw and machinery use via courses. Main priority is continuing landscaping and business experience.

Skills ( please complete )

Experience in: Planting including mulching and staking, maintenance especially mowing and border maintenance, Strimming and hedge cutting, turfing, also built 2 show gardens at garden shows. Medium/Low Experience in: paving, fencing, edging, irrigation, pointing, use of chainsaw

Business category

Landscaper, Maintenance, Lawn Care

Where did you hear about Landscape Juice



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