Business / personal name

JK Projects

Business address

The Cottage, River House 10 Severnside South Bewdley DY12 2DX

Primary telephone number:

01299 405999

About you and your business ( please complete)

I'm a landscaping project manager and work with my wife who is a garden designer (Judy Knight Garden Design). I quantify the projects, deal with clients and suppliers, source materials, and manage the project overall. Our son is a landscaper and he builds most of our projects but we sometimes need to work with other landscapers when we're really busy, or when working in other geographic areas.

Skills ( please complete )

Design - I create freehand 3D perspective drawings of our designs to give clients a good idea of how their finished garden will look. Project Management - my background is in serving large corporate clients and this means my client liaison and organisational skills are pretty good. Materials Procurement - I source all materials from basic to bespoke. Consultancy - I'm a serial entrepreneur and now also provide business consultancy services

Business category

Landscaper, Designer, Consultant

Where did you hear about Landscape Juice

Google search




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