Business / personal name

Jez Young`s Secret gardens

Business address

Gardd cudd, Panteg, Penuwch, Tregaron, Ceredigion, WALES Sy25 6qz

Primary telephone number:

01974 821509

About you and your business ( please complete)

Offering concept and manifestation of fantastical features in soft and hard landscape around Aberystwyth and elsewhere by special request. I aspire to create gardens and features which total more than the sum of their parts and are site specific be it sweeping steps up a steep bank or a bold moongate in the moutains. I am an enthusiastic plants-man with extensive ornamental trial gardens at 850-900ft above sea level on the edge of the Cambrian mountains, I garden without chemicals and marvel at the wild inhabitants of my "Gardd cudd" (hidden garden). I also offer talks to local garden clubs.

Business category

Designer, Landscaper, Other

Where did you hear about Landscape Juice

mentioned on another forum



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