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About you and your business ( please complete)
Very much an amateur gardener (and not really professional about anything else) and married to the very lovely, long-suffering Fereday. On the site, I post about the "lighter" side of being married to a gardener - the gloves and shed obsessions, growing from seed foibles, etc. As of 5 Feb, I am also an official supporter of Phil's campaign against the Daily Mail - go Phil!!!!
Business category
Keen Amateur
Where did you hear about Landscape Juice
Fereday found it... I'm good a losing things, and, thankfully, he's good at finding things.

Yalta 1945Off to get some contemplation in the rain with a lucky strike, wish I could write like you can.
I have the joy of going to all the wedding fairs available to see how people do it these days. Not sure super glue and skin will be featured!
At least, like Fereday, I will warrant a new suit and shoes, also handbag, hair cut and
colour, nails, facial, massage, possibly hair extensions and almost certainly a subtle face lift.
Al's corporate site is
By the way, Dolly my five month old Italian Spinone is very interested in a pretty little number for the Christmas festivities. Personally I would like her to have designer gum boots and something fab to catch the water dripping from her beard after a drink, oh and anything that can stop her blowing off.
A bus load of blind, (visibly impaired), persons are travelling through the English Countryside, whereupon they arrive at a tranquil English Village.
The Bus driver parks and talking to his passengers admits his disappointment that he should not leave them alone but yet is desperate to try out a pint or two of the famed ale brewed at the local hostelry.
The passengers declare en masse that there is no problem as they can play football on the village green in his absence. The Bus driver is astonished and states that whilst not wishing to offend anyone, but how can the blind play football.
The passengers show the driver their special ball which contains a bell within it.
Confident with this answer the driver quickly establishes himself within the pub.
Not half an hour had passed when the local constabulary charged into the pub, bellowing 'who is responsible for the bus load of blind people', somewhat confused the driver admits it is himself - whereupon the constable states -
'You had better come quickly they're kicking the hell out of the morris dancers'.
What's with the change of photo on your profile?
thanks for your kind comments. Yes, you may have seen my hare sculptures at shows...Tatton Park, Chelsea, The Sculpture Show and in some RHS gardens. Hope your 3 bunnies are doing well!