An insight to the daily life of a garden design and landscaping build up on a rear garden located in Cullompton, Exeter, Devon.
Day 4
18 ton Hi-ab grab
Like clock work my 18 ton Hi-ab grab lorry arrives to remove the first load of landscaping sub soil and rubble from site to a licensed tip, this excess topsoil, sub soil and rubble will all be recycled and sold back to the trade.
12 ton Hi-ab grab lorry
Two hours later the second Hi-ab grab lorry arrives, this time we use a 12 ton lorry. Both the grab operator and I work together, he grabs and move the stock pile closer to his grab reach.
I have been able to set the laser up to dig level for the reflection pool area and grade off to the required falls and levels, I cannot have any excess material left as my first delivery has arrived consisting of the membrane, this lorry will return with 12 tons of 40mm hardcore material, so I have 2 hours to grade the remaining reflection pool area and membrane the entire project.
Membrane installation
The membrane is installed to keep the sub-base material separate from the sub grade below and suppress weeds, a 400mm over lap has been applied to all joints and the entire geotextile fabric has been anchored down with 150mm pins.
12 tons of Sub base
Right on cue the 40mm sub base is swung over the fence.
Again using my eye for a level I am able to cover the entire membrane with 100mm of sub base, as its late in the day I wont use the laser, I'm interested in covering the membrane for the night so the wind doesn't lift it all.
Groundworks sub-base
Again, I work in harmony with the grab operator to roughly cover the membrane, At a later date the sub base will cut to the required levels and falls.
Sub base installed
More so at this time of the year the team and I work quickly to get to this stage, I now have a clean site, slopping around in mud makes a landscapers life harder than what it already is, all ducting, drainage and pool excavations will be undertaken at a later date.
Every day the garden will be kept tidy once we have completed our goals.
Tomorrows blog: