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Best secateurs?

Hi guys,

After losing not one, not two but THREE pairs of secatuers in just over two weeks (two pairs of felcos and a cheapie pair, and yes, I am an idiot) I am in the market for a new pair.


Thinking of going for either Felco 2s, which were my originals, felco 8s, which I had just bought and hadn't had much chance with before I lost them, or Felco 7s with the rotating handle.


Anyone used the 7s or 8s and can recommend - or not?

Did like my 2s though.

Or are there any other makes which I should also consider? Are the Stihl ones any good?

Any input appreciated.



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  • And yes, I just realised I spelled secatuers wrong in the header...
  • ive had the rotating handle pair for over ten years just got them back from servicing at felco ood as new . Did buy a pair of japanese ones from the niwaki boys hold a good edge but hard on the hands and wrists

  • Do you recommend them over the regular 2s?

    andrew magill said:

    ive had the rotating handle pair for over ten years just got them back from servicing at felco ood as new . Did buy a pair of japanese ones from the niwaki boys hold a good edge but hard on the hands and wrists

  • for me yes better feel in your hand the handle swivel works well smoother cutting action imo
  • I've managed not to lose my felco 7 for over a year and doing well with them! They are easy to service yourself, just pop the rotating handle off, oil it, give the blade a little hone and unscrew the pivot and grease it after a good clean. No reason for them not to go on and on. I am surprised there haven't been any good cheaper versions made by other companies (or at least none that I have seen).
  • have you got a holster for them?


    Felco's are the best for me - as i'm left handed, can't comment on yr choice (wish they'd make a L.Handed equivalent of the no 6's for a small hand) - but I would loose a lot more if I didn't have a holster, - I have had a pair go all the way through a compost bin before (yes 6 months of muck and magic) and Burton Mcall still serviced them and reconditioned them for me.

  • Well, I did have a holster for them. Managed to lose that too...


    Going to get the belt holder holstrer and have them permanently attached to me. Mini GPS system on them the whole bit.

  • Okatsune secateurs are the best I've ever used. Stay razor sharp and very clean cut. Japanese steel is beyond comparison IMO

  • Cheers all,


    Good to hear another option thrown in the mix too. Intrigued by the Okatsune ones as I rate Japanese steel too but probably going to go for the Felco 7s for now.


    Just out of interest though I take it you've used Felcos before Richard and rate the Okatsune above them? Have you got the 103s?


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