Last night (at 10pm) there were 60 people on the site of which 23 were logged in as members.
It was muted recently that there is not enough activity to drive substantial change, both in terms of this site and the industry as a whole but I would like to draw members' attention to the following rule and emphasise that returning daily visitors to LJN surpass the memberships of the UK landscaping associations combined (that means if 100% of their respective membership signed in at the same time there would still not be the same activity as the proportion of LJN who are regularly active).
* 90% of users are the “audience”, or lurkers. The people tend to read or observe, but don’t actively contribute.
* 9% of users are “editors”, sometimes modifying content or adding to an existing thread, but rarely create content from scratch.
* 1% of users are “creators”, driving large amounts of the social group’s activity. More often than not, these people are driving a vast percentage of the site’s new content, threads, and activity.
Information courtesy of The 90-9-1 principle.
It appears to be the case that despite short term activity fluctuations, human social behaviour will dictate that the 90-9-1 principle will apply itself - the key for LJN is that our 1% is growing at a greater rate than other organisations.
the site is very informative for our business.
thanks phil.
Facebook dominated by 'power users'
The majority of Facebook activity is carried out by a minority of users, according to a new study.
Most people using the social network receive more interactions, such as ‘likes’ or being tagged in photos, than they give out on the site.
A new study entitled: 'Why Most Facebook Users Get More Than They Give’, from Pew Internet, an American not-for-profit research firm, found that people ‘liked’ other Facebook members’ content an average of 14 times, while their own content was on average 'liked' 20 times.
Read full article:
Participation Inequality: Encouraging More Users to Contribute