Business / personal name

Rob Dulson Garden Design

Business address

13 Hassall Road Sandbach Cheshire CW11 4HQ

Primary telephone number:

01270 766423

About you and your business ( please complete)

I am a domestic landscaper primarily although I also have a Higher Diploma in Garden Design. I run my own small business, keeping it small because I love building gardens which is not only my buisness but my love and passion. I concentrate on high standards of work with outstanding levels of personal service. I retired as a senior manager a few years ago to start my business in January 2005. I am a member of The Association of Professional Landscapers, part of The Horticultural Trades Association and as part of APL I am a member of the Government's TrustMark scheme.

Business category

Landscaper, Designer, Domestic Garden Maintenance, Landscaper and garden designer

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