Business / personal name

Life's Little Projects

Business address

8 Morley Road Exeter EX4 7BD

Primary telephone number:

01392 757387

About you and your business ( please complete)

entered Horticulture as general nursery hand at St Bridget Nurseries in 1979. Attended SCAH Cannington from around 1980 to 1982 - OND Amenity Horticulture. Various jobs followed; head gardener, assistant to general manager at SBN, garden centre manager at SBN, own business landscape contracting - a youthful foray... contracts manager for landscape business, parks development officer at Exeter City Council, Landscape and Tree Officer at ECC (10years, during which I obtained a post grad diploma in landscape architecture), own business - design and build, focussing in the end on design. Contracting to London Boroughs (Kingston, Sutton, back to Kingston) as Tree and Landscape Officer in planning; Further couple of years as contracts manager with SW London landscape and garden services company. Returned to Devon to work with son.

Skills ( please complete )

Landscape architecture. Amenity horticulture - general gardening, soft landscape from turf to trees, hard landscape from paving to ponds. Commercial contracting, contracts management and logistics; man management and staff development. Trees and landscape in the UK planning system - local authority policy, securing landscape schemes in development, securing planning consents through compliance with LPA policies, administration of protected trees, tree surveys. Health and safety in the horticultural trades.

Business category

Landscaper, Designer, Maintenance, Consultant, Other, Domestic

Where did you hear about Landscape Juice

pure chance, surfing the web


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