Business / personal name

Caro Garden Design

Business address

148 Midhurst Road Ealing London W13 9TP

Primary telephone number:

020 8566 3750

About you and your business ( please complete)

I started Caro Garden Design in West London 10 years ago - how time passes! having decided to make a final break with my previous life as a child care lawyer. I trained at Capel Manor, joined the SGD as a student member, ran a cluster group and then acted as regional coordinator for the London and South Midlands region for past 6 years. In those few moments when I don't seem to be working, I fling myself down to my allotment and run round with a watering can, marvel at the weeds and run away again. Otherwise I'm ice skating which is a different sort of flinging myself around altogether.

Business category


Where did you hear about Landscape Juice

recommendation fellow garden designer (another regional coordinator for the SGD)




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