Business / personal name

Cana Garden Design

Business address

London, UK

Primary telephone number:

020 7272 1504

About you and your business ( please complete)

Garden designer, qualified myself at Capel Manor College, Enfield. I studied Environmental Science (BSc) and worked on several projects for endangered species since 1999. I am also interested in architecture and agricultural turism. Like traveling and visit historical gardens and houses. I am sociable, cheerful person, have got a lot of friends.

Skills ( please complete )

Capel Manor College, London, United Kingdom Diploma in Garden Design 2004 – 2007 Szent István Egyetem Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Environmental Science, Excellent 1998 – 2001 Activities and Societies: Scientific Publication about Urban roadside trees role in the Hungarian Landscape Design - II. prize and special award Scientific Student Conference, Environment Science Section, Budapest, Hungary, 2001 Atalanta Business and Language School Diploma in Marketing Management and Advertisement General 1997 – 1998

Business category

Designer, Maintenance, Consultant

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