Business / personal name

Benjamin O'Neill Grounds Maintenance

Business address

7 Woodlands, Llandudno Junction, Conwy, LL31 9HB

Primary telephone number:

01492-582777 / 07550-078634

About you and your business ( please complete)

Benjamin O'Neill Grounds Maintenance pride themselves on excellent customer care, competitive prices, free quotes and make sure their domestic and commercial, grounds maintenance and landscaping services are tailored to your requirements, they offer lawn maintenance, qualified tree services, garden design packages, hard & soft landscaping, green roofs, snow removal & gritting & much, much more.

Skills ( please complete )

My personal qualification NVQ 2 Horticulture, NPTC Chainsaw, NPTC Chemical spraying.

Business category

Consultant, Designer, Landscaper, Lawn Care, Maintenance, Tree Surgeon, Other

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