Open forum activity

Tom Lark is now a member of Landscape Juice Network
7 hours ago
Honey Badger replied to David Benson's discussion things arnt going to work very well
"I do"
7 hours ago
Andrew Betteridge replied to Gary RK's discussion The right cutting attachment for the job - Stihl
"Will I notice the difference?"
10 hours ago
Peter sellers replied to David Benson's discussion things arnt going to work very well
"Think you need to have a word with Starmer and ask him what he is doing about Drax, as noted in my previous post along with when he is swapping his 5lt Range Rover for an EV !"
10 hours ago
Tim Bucknall replied to David Benson's discussion things arnt going to work very well
"Scientists come up with all sorts of things becauser they find them interesting.  Capitalists then work out how to monetise the profitable ones.
Blame capitalism, not science."
10 hours ago
Tim Bucknall replied to David Benson's discussion things arnt going to work very well
"less than 2% of emissions, from 1% of the global population.  Add to that the fact that a) we've offshored a lot of our emissions by buying products from China instead of making what we need, and b) that we'd put millions of tonnes into the…"
10 hours ago
stephen widman is now a member of Landscape Juice Network
Honey Badger replied to robert pryor's discussion Battery hedgcutter advice
Peter sellers replied to robert pryor's discussion Battery hedgcutter advice
"From what I can see the petrol hedgecutters weigh and cost less than  equivalent battery model and no runtime issues, they are not there yet."
Tim Bucknall replied to robert pryor's discussion Battery hedgcutter advice
"What run time do you get with the AP200?
James Brett replied to robert pryor's discussion Battery hedgcutter advice
"Just seen this post and wanted to add that the Stihl HSA100 and AP200s batteries are a great combo. Yes about 4.9kg but with minimal vibrations it is actually a joy to use for long periods of time. If you wanted to reduce the weight they do a belt…"
Billybop replied to David Benson's discussion things arnt going to work very well
"Yes been following Barrie's videos for a while, he talks a lot of sense. Another good channel is EV Carnage. The depreciation plus time wasted hanging around charging instead of working, is terrifying. I am a big user of battery garden kit, the…"
Peter sellers replied to Peter sellers's discussion High lift non gen blades
Ian Harvey replied to Peter sellers's discussion High lift non gen blades
"Although not an Oregon blade, maybe this would work for the Stiga?"
Peter sellers replied to David Benson's discussion things arnt going to work very well
"Want the truth on EV's ? Watch Barrie Crampton on Youtube, hundreds of 2 to 3 yr old on Auto trader etc with single digit miles , all been pre registered to massage and comply with the sales mandate that manufacturers have to comply with to avoid 15…"
Intelligent Landscapes replied to James's discussion Lawn issues
" Are the plants on the wall that are not in pots dying too?
Regardless, definitely have the soil tested before you spend more money/time on it.The RHS have a soil analysis service, about £40 per sample."

Honda or Masport?

Looking for lightish roller mower, not battery!Anyone using Honda 476 QY 19 inch or Masport rotorla 22 inch ? Both similar weight, looking at the Masport don't like the handle bracing bar which runs between the 2 vertical handles and looks like it…

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3 Replies · Reply by Peter sellers Mar 18
Views: 125

Hole saw set

Anyone recommend a hole saw set, want a set in a case to stop walkies. Needs to cut steel and stainless , can't justify Starrett cost. Need a selection of sizes with arbours.Only occasional use numerous choices on net but difficult to know if any…

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0 Replies
Views: 25

Lawn issues

Im after some advice regarding a lawn issue.  A customer had spoken to me regarding their front lawn that really struggled to put on any growth at all even during spring time. I suggested that because the house is a new build, although built a…

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15 Replies · Reply by Intelligent Landscapes on Saturday
Views: 483