Starting work on a new garden - first update

OK, so I have now seen the garden in question and have taken a few photos which I will upload just as soon as I have finished off my roll of film (luckily the roses in my own garden are just about in flower so I'll have a good chance to finish it reasonably quickly).The garden is quite an irregular shape - more or less stretching all the way round the house - and has two lawns, which I mentioned in my last post. There's not much to say about the lawns other than one is in a really awkward position so I'll be lugging my lawnmower up a set of about a dozen narrow stone steps every week while the grass is growing. The borders are dotted about the place; there is a slightly overgrown 'alpine' border in the 1970's sense as opposed to the strict alpine grower's definition of the term. It's full of quite dainty low-growing perennials and I'm afraid that I can't actually remember what exactly is in there apart from some geraniums and a large heather. It's shaded by some rhododendrons and even I have to admit, usually hating the things, that they are quite impressive.Around the front of the house, right next to the house itself, are a couple of shrub borders. There's nothing enourmously exciting about them but they seem tidy enough. Again, I have to admit that I don't go a bundle on srub borders - they always seem to be quite municipal and date really badly, regardless of what you plant in them.Going round to the left side of the house is a gravel drive which is bordered on one side by a triangular bed which has very little in it, and what might have been quite a nice, albeit small, perennial border which is now sadly just that little bit too far the other side of overgrown.All in all, the garden could be absolutely gorgeous with a bit of work and some more up-to-date planting. I'm not going to move too quickly on that side of things as I've only been enagaged on a half-day a week initially. I'm hoping that things will go smoothly, the clients will be happy with the work that I do and will begin to trust my judgement and loose the reins a little. I was expecting there to be quite a few nasty surprises but it seems that the worst I will have to deal with is some couch grass in the alpine border and the odd bramble here or there. I'm going over on Monday for the first actual session of gardening, so I'll undoubtedly spot other things which will be worth blogging about.
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  • Ho Hum. It looks like I'm going to end up just mowing the lawns in this garden. I was quite looking forward to getting my teeth into sorting out the garden as a whole - especially sorting out the borders and getting them into shape - but it looks like the owners just want someone to cut the grass. I'm not quite sure whether they will want some attention paid to the borders at a later date, but I just have that sneaking suspicion that the owners are quite cavalier about the way they treat their garden and probably their gardeners. I'm not sure whether I'll be spending much time there and whether I'll pursue this particular avenue much further. It's quite a shame as the garden holds so much potential to be a showpiece and a real display of beauty and elegance but I just don't think the owners have the vision to fulfill that potential. What a waste.
  • PRO
    What a shame Andy - I was looking forward to you the serial!

    Sounds like you will be better off keeping your eye out for another project that you can use your talents on.
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Acacia Groundcare Hire posted a photo
We've taken delivery of a new Etesia AH-75 brushcutter! Suitable for the most demanding of terrain and can deal with slopes up to 30 degrees. Visit or call 01273 494939 to hire today!
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Adam Woods replied to Neil brown's discussion Project completion forms
".. I generally refuse to sign such things on a personal level. If you want that signed, I'll go somewhere else - and if the work is done, what are you going to do? Now if I don't pay you, well that is a different matter"
3 hours ago
JANINE MCMAHON replied to Oliver clarkson's discussion Rose spray
"Look forward to hearing your results.
John F replied to Richard Farley's discussion Nature Loving Customers !!!
"It's interesting though how many customers see any creature within their garden territory as an intruder . 
Fear of the unknown perhaps ? 
Must admit though the unfortunate  label of slow worm does them no favours . "
Billybop replied to Richard Farley's discussion Nature Loving Customers !!!
"to be fair, if they were unaware of what Slow Worms are, from the name alone, they might sound like a pest, like some outdoor type of tape worm"
Honey Badger replied to Richard Farley's discussion Nature Loving Customers !!!
"By breaking the laws on protected species."
Dan Fish is now a member of Landscape Juice Network
Richard Farley posted a discussion
Had a brief chat with a once a year customer , where I just cut his knee length grass down . I happened to mention the abundance of wildlife in his garden , and that last year I saw some slow worms basking in the sun.He looked at me and replied " Oh…
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is the earth on the starter ok "
David Benson replied to Peter sellers's discussion Compost survey
"i have used clover multi purpos which has some peat in it no lumps or rubbish in it. 3 bags today for potting and seeds did not come accross anything i had to chuck out "
Neil brown posted a discussion
Hi Everyone Does anybody use project completion forms for customer's to sign at completion to say they are satisfied with the outcome to avoid payment issues when sending the final invoice Thanks in Advance Neil 
Billybop replied to Brian's Garden Maintenance's discussion Clients contracts for wet Grass cutting
"hi Brian, the charge would essentially be doubled. Tripled even. Or something close to that. Depending on when I would be available to return. Especially on the big gardens which are not easy to reschedule. So there is no incentive for the customer…"
Brian's Garden Maintenance replied to Brian's Garden Maintenance's discussion Clients contracts for wet Grass cutting
"Thank you, Adam, for your replay
That is a great help. if you don't mind me asking. How much would you charge for the nock back what sort of a percentage do add on extra for the second visit, please?
Brian's Garden Maintenance replied to Brian's Garden Maintenance's discussion Clients contracts for wet Grass cutting
"Adam One of my clients I do need water wings on the lawnmower it is that wet! LOL Luck I got a 4 wheel lawnmower!
Brian's Garden Maintenance replied to Brian's Garden Maintenance's discussion Clients contracts for wet Grass cutting
"Thank you, Billybop for your reply.
Yes, there are domestic types! If you don't mind me asking. How much percentage do you charge extra for the second visit, please?
Andrew replied to Peter sellers's discussion Compost survey
"I agree that the quality of compost, PARTICULARLY peat-free p.compost is appalling.I find sticks,bits of plastic/stones,string etc in these 'environmentally' friendly brands.Basically, we're in wild west country now where any old tom,dick and harry…"

Nature Loving Customers !!!

Had a brief chat with a once a year customer , where I just cut his knee length grass down . I happened to mention the abundance of wildlife in his garden , and that last year I saw some slow worms basking in the sun.He looked at me and replied " Oh…

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3 Replies · Reply by John F on Wednesday
Views: 146