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Founded in 2008. The Landscape Juice Network (LJN) is the largest and fastest growing professional landscaping and horticultural association in the United Kingdom.

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Can I make a plea for these stunning architectural annuals – there's still time to sow them if you start now. I've grown it a few times and once got it to six foot tall – which happened to be at a place I visited early most evenings after work so they were watered regularly and each one was planted with a half bag of Levingtons so they were generally well catered for.If you are new to Cleome it's one annual that is best starting from seed yourself. Some growers will advise starting early, others advise as late as May day – but everyone seems to agree they prefer warm days and cold nights to germinate well ie: a cold greenhouse – give them the lightest covering of compost and once you have them going allow plenty of room for growth by potting each into it's own pot and plant out from 5” pots when these have filled with roots. You could instead sow them outside in a nursery bed in early May.One thing I'm not sure of is which seed to buy that will grow tallest – can anyone tell me please?

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  • PRO
    Thanks for the tip, I'm going to track down some seed today. Another super plant from seed is Ornamental Millet. Very quick, easy and looks fantastic.
  • Good for you Nathan and good luck!

    After looking around the web I think I must have got the Cleomes in the pub garden to six foot because of the regular watering – although it is important if you want them big, to grow on without a check while they're young until planting out - I see two foot Cleomes have been bred now - I suppose they'll have a place – a bit like red Delphiniums!

    I had the Cleomes down the center of a meter wide bed and at one end, a teasel appeared (seed dropped from some stems I'd taken into the pub)

    The Teasel flower blooms in a ring that begins in the center, then moves to top and bottom

    and the large opposite leaves attach to the stem without a leaf stalk forming a 'boat' shape that will fill with water -

    here's some great pictures of a teasel flower pictures by camera buff Brian Johnston...
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