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Following trials held by FIFA on synthetic surface maintenance equipment, Alan Ferguson, Head of Grounds and Estate at St George’s Park - the FA’s National Football Centre, has chosen a SISIS Osca tractor mounted oscillating brush for use on their indoor and outdoor synthetic pitches.

An advocate of both natural and synthetic maintenance equipment from SISIS, AIan has held a strong relationship with the company since his time as head groundsman at Ipswich Football Club.

“I acted on the recent FIFA synthetic surface maintenance trial reports, where the Osca performed very well,” said Alan. I wasn’t surprised as I used one at Ipswich and it performs really well. Ball roll is a difficult parameter to keep in check and the Osca’s oscillating brushing action brings something different to our maintenance programme and it’s something that actually makes a real difference.”

Synthetic sports surfaces require a good maintenance programme in place from the start. Failure to regularly remove dirt, leaf debris and other detritus from the surface can lead to contamination of the infill. The Desso I-DNA synthetic pitches at St Georges Park were installed to the FIFA 2 star standard. Alan says that it’s important to maintain them to a high standard with the level of use they receive on a weekly basis.

“With the level of activity on our pitches from both a tournament and also community use, it’s imperative that our synthetic surfaces are maintained on a regular basis and to a high standard. The Osca has been added to our extensive range of maintenance equipment and we use it weekly. The key is going slowly enough to allow for a deep penetration, rather than trying to rush the process, which disperses the infill evenly, preventing excess material being left on the surface whilst reducing compaction.”

The Osca has a 1.8 meter working width which, when in operation, the two oscillating brushes stand the carpet fibres up and redistributes the infill evenly, minimising compaction on the surface and improving its performance – giving consistent playing characteristics whilst preventing pile damage caused by reduced infill levels. To complement the final result an additional brush can be fitted to the rear of the unit.

Used regularly it will keep the infill mobile, preventing surface compaction and loss of porosity. A contributory factor to the reduction of compaction is that the Osca’s working width will use few passes than other more conventional drag brushes to complete a pitch. Its aggressive brushing action agitates the upper infill level of the surface from side to side as well as brushing forward, helping reduce surface compaction and encourage the fibres to stand up straight which reduces the risk of contamination, drainage problems and leaves a consistent playing surface across the whole pitch.

Alan sees synthetic pitch maintenance as just as important as maintenance on natural turf and feels the amount of maintenance required is vastly underestimated to keep a pitch in tip top condition. “I think it goes back to its introduction. I see synthetic turf as no threat. With the advances in both the turf itself and the maintenance equipment over the past ten years, it’s easy to say they are here to stay. We spend as much time maintaining our synthetic pitches as we do our natural ones. I believe we have the capability to produce as good synthetic surfaces as we do natural grass ones. Success will come as a result of good procurement of equipment and using it correctly. I personally believe our success at St George’s is down to working with the Osca and its brushes – each one working to compliment the other.

“There is no other machine like the Osca, which sets it apart and makes it that little bit special. It’s allowed us to keep ball roll below ten meters which let me tell you isn’t easy when you consider we have around 40 hours of use on our synthetic pitches each week. I can’t recommend the Osca highly enough and would be happy to show anyone how we use ours to great effect.”

A storage frame is supplied as standard. Twin implement extension arms are available as an option enabling any 1.8M implements from the mounted frame options to be used.

For further information or a no obligation demonstration, please contact SISIS on 01332 824 777.

For more news, reviews and insightful views, you can follow SISIS on Twitter @SISISMachinery and like the company’s Facebook page – You can also view the latest SISIS videos by visiting

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M Olsson replied to M Olsson's discussion Lawn Treatment
"Hi John,
The daughter of one customer asked for treatment. I've been advising them she needs a total lawn renovation, lawn is basically 80% moss, particularly at the back. That's how weed and feed came about and I've now offered it to other clients.…"
4 hours ago
John F replied to M Olsson's discussion Lawn Treatment
"As said there is no need to compete with the nationals you are a different business model and you will no doubt go the extra mile .
£50 is purely a percentage of achieving the exacting overall results your customers will expect for this bespoke…"
4 hours ago
M Olsson replied to M Olsson's discussion Lawn Treatment
"Evening gents,
Thank you for everybody's response.
To clarify, I am not looking to compete with franchises across the country, that will never go down well. However, I do have a handful of customers, as they get to know me, becoming interested in…"
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John F replied to M Olsson's discussion Lawn Treatment
"Another way of looking at this is Michael is providing this service to his existing customers he does not have to compete on price he will be providing a more considered almost bespoke service which commands a premium price .
A different business…"
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Semena Graf updated their profile
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Peter sellers replied to M Olsson's discussion Lawn Treatment
"There's no future in a race to the bottom on price we all know where that ends. Michael will not have the economies of scale that the nationals have who are paying national minimum wage to their workers.
Our businesses are about averaging say £45 hr…"
17 hours ago
Ian Harvey replied to M Olsson's discussion Lawn Treatment
"I think that if you are trying to compete against the nationals, then you need to see what they do. From what I have seen, they typically spend no more than 10min per average size garden and use 1 handheld spreader worth of granular weed/feed. They…"
17 hours ago
PGM replied to M Olsson's discussion Lawn Treatment
"The local lawn treatment to us starts from £15 per treatment and they seem very well reviewed. Some of the national franchises aren't that much more than that either so i'd guess a minimum price of £50 might be too high. Great if you can get it…"
Andrew Lowe replied to Andrew Lowe's discussion Toro Timemaster brake arm problem
"Thanks for your replies, I'll see if I can get the pulley off at the weekend. Hopefully if it is the bearing I can just replace that, but I've got a feeling I'll need to buy the whole assembly."
Dave Colton replied to Andrew Lowe's discussion Toro Timemaster brake arm problem
"Mine did a similar thing and it was a bearing on the pully that had gone."
Peter sellers replied to M Olsson's discussion Lawn Treatment
"Forget a drop spreader, useless. We don't do a lot of lawn treatment and have had numerous rotary spreaders , guess you won't want to spend a lot one of the best budget spreaders we are still using is the Cobra around £85  online we bought ours…"
David Benson replied to Andrew Lowe's discussion Toro Timemaster brake arm problem
"not familiar with toro but somthing is out of line have you checked the drive pully as the belt is hitting the brake arm and dosnot seem to be square"
David Benson replied to M Olsson's discussion Lawn Treatment
"use a wheeld brordcast spredder with a fert only then a backpack sprayer for any weed killer requierd, you will never get it right with a drop spreader "
Graham Taylor replied to M Olsson's discussion Lawn Treatment
"Never used a "drop spreader" but I'd guess they take much longer compared to a wheeled rotary that I always use.   Where I have seenthem used, not been very successful with lines of burnt patches!   The fertilzer "Evergreen" I use costs about £25…"
Adam Pilgrim replied to M Olsson's discussion Lawn Treatment
"A lot of variable here.
Unfortuately I think you may have little uptake at that price bracket given what some of the national franchises charge....
Drop spreaders have their place, as do rotary (wheeled) and rotary (hand) spreaders. Some products…"
M Olsson posted a discussion
Hi All, I've been asked to offer lawn treatment for many of my customers. I've quoted £50 for anything below 300sqm which is probabaly a bit steep maybe? But that includes product itself, application and watering if needed. How do you price granular…

Lawn Treatment

Hi All, I've been asked to offer lawn treatment for many of my customers. I've quoted £50 for anything below 300sqm which is probabaly a bit steep maybe? But that includes product itself, application and watering if needed. How do you price granular…

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