Business / personal name

Garden Design Academy

Business address

4( rue de Varenes 36210 Chabris France

Primary telephone number:

0033 254 40 15 42

About you and your business ( please complete)

Son of a Cornish nurseryman, I have run nurseries, garden centres, a French seed wholesaler and domestic and commercial landscape companies. My mis-education started at the Royal gardens of Windsor and continued at horticultural colleges in Cornwall, Berkshire and Worcestershire. These days I am a garden designer and live in France with my wife and poodle. We also run the Garden Design Academy providing distance learning and residential courses in garden design, gardening, landscaping and horticulture. The Garden Design Academy is the only institution in mainland Europe offering the full range of RHS qualifications. We continue to design gardens in Europe, USA and China and provide other horticultural services such as consultancy, garden tour guidance, etc. In truth, I'm semi-retired now, but the design of Loire Valley chateau gardens is becoming a minor specialty.

Skills ( please complete )


Business category

Designer, Consultant, Domestic

Where did you hear about Landscape Juice





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