Business / personal name

Drew Neat

Business address

19 Rockington Way, Crowborough, TN6 2NJ.

Primary telephone number:

01892 652759

About you and your business ( please complete)

Drew Neat cater for busy clients who demand professionalism, reliability and affordability from their garden services provider, and this is what we constantly strive to deliver on a daily basis with our business expertise and careful selection of mature, qualified male and female staff. Refurbishing neglected gardens, all year round plant, shrub, tree, lawn and hedge care (maintenance), are our main areas of focus. We can also offer you planting plan designs and planting. Expert horticultural advice is always on tap. We work in gardens from courtyard to country estate, and cover all locations in Kent, E/W Sussex and Surrey within 25 miles or so of Tunbridge Wells. In the 9 month period from April to December 2012 we carried out well over 700 full days of garden work in the West Kent and East Sussex area.

Skills ( please complete )

Various horticultural, garden maintenance, plant science, garden design, up to degree level.

Business category

Designer, Domestic Garden Maintenance, Commercial Grounds/Garden Maintenance, Pesticide Application, Tree Surgeon, Consultant

Where did you hear about Landscape Juice

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