Sketchup/Layout presentation for sloping garden

Presentation drawing (for local promotion) of a sloping garden design with plan, visual, before and after photographs.
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  • Started to use it as a visualisation tool, in conjunction with hand drawn plans, about two years ago. Used the free version to backfit some of my earlier designs. Very popular as many clients cannot read plans easily. Learnt by trial and error - and still am. The above will be used as a promotional display sign in paving yard (as it contains pictures of the finished garden). Just done first design for client using sketchup/layout only (pictures on this are of clients wish list photos). This has been very well received.
    As I now do a lot of planning permission work as well I think my days of drawing are coming to an end (and I never thought I would say that).
    I probably don't work as efficiently as I could yet with both sketchup and layout but I have a methodology that suits me so am prepared to get better in time.

  • I really like this Mike, how long did it take you to learn how to use Sketchup and were you taught?

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