3 slabs, Roman mosaic designs

This shows 3 of the designs I've produced so far. The circular ones are 450mm across, the square slab, 400mm x 400mm.I use conventional sized slabs and then scale the patterns to fit.
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  • Yes I'd love that too! I've been asked to do some border pieces in black and white so I'll see how they look in place.

  • PRO

    Perhaps time we started to think about mosaic making a comeback..I'd certainly love to see it.

  • Thanks for that Jane, I'm glad you like them. I've bookmarked that website and I'll follow it up, it looks like it could be worth doing.

    I'm adding a few more but I imagine nothing really happens with gardens until March time now?

    Thanks again


  • Dear Lawrence,

    These are Fab!  I've just found your page from the discussion you started.

    I've seen a lot of people's private gardens in magazines where they have a little mosaic floor feature, or have experimented with different paving styles - I think these would fit right in with those gardens and those gardeners. Also you could do swimming pools, swimming pool patios, walls of buildings etc.  I will bear you in mind for the future for clients.  Am not mega business right now, however who knows?

    Have you thought of advertising on Shoot?  It's a website for gardeners where they can put their plant lists and designs up, and get maintenance information. 

    Kind regards,


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