Hedgewig the rescued tawny owl

I feel a bit like Doctor Doolittle this week. I found this young Tawny owl on the side of a road on Thursday. It had been either thrown or blown out of its nest and was within 18 inches of the road edge. I passed it on the way to collect my son and as I went by at about 40 miles per hour, I thought I'd seen a face looking up out of the grass. 'That looked like an owl', I thought! But I was late for my son so I decided to stop and investigate on my way back. 25 minutes later I pulled onto a wide verge some 150 metres past on the opposite side and ran back with a shopping bag. Luckily the traffic was light because it was lunchtime but as I stooped over to pick the owl up it jumped into the road. I single car was coming towards us on our side of the road but I couldn't see what was coming the other way as we were on a blind bend. I ran behind the owl and grabbed it both hands so as to keep its wings tight against its body (as it appeared as though the right wing might have been broken). Henry managed to flag the car down but the blighter had sunk its talons into my fingers. We popped him? into a shopping bag and brought it home. Poor thing was weak and one eye was bloodied and closed shut. Some four days later it's getting stronger and eating well. I built 'hedgewig', as he is now known, a house and I've bolted it high in the barn. Hopefully we can release it back one day.
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